Why You Need to Make a Trip to Indonesia ?

Category : Adventure | Posted On Dec 15, 2016

The Indonesian archipelago is made up of  a whopping 17,800 islands – probably more than what you can explore in one lifetime. Home to hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups, a huge range of flora and fauna as well as incredible natural landscapes, Indonesia probably has 101 reasons (and more) for you to pay a visit. Presented here are just 18 of the many reasons why you need to make a trip to Indonesia at least once in your lifetime!

1. World-famous Kopi Luwak

These strange coffee beans go through an Asian palm civet before transforming into a drink in your cup.Yes,it is eaten and defecated by this mammal before it is reproduced into coffee.Kopi luwak is said to benefit the skin and prevent diseases such as breast cancer and diabetes. Urban myths or proven facts,we'll leave it to you decide. 

2. Lush tea plantations

If coffee is not your thing, fret not. Between Vocanic hills  that stretches from Bogor to  Bandung, you can find vast swathes of tea plantations and paddy fields. They extend as far as the eye can see and everywhere you look, you’re sure to see women hard at work picking the tea leaves. A little donation and a small fee can get you a tour of the tea factory at Gunung Mas (golden mountain) to see the tea production process.

3. World’s most active volcanoes

Mount Merapi. Although there are several other active volcanoes in Indonesia, this is the one that usually comes to mind when the words volcano and Indonesia are mentioned together. Mount Merapi has been recorded to erupt at least 68 times since 1548. A climb up the mountain is possible with a qualified guide.

4. Friendly, hospitable locals

Nothing speaks louder about a country than its local people. Indonesians are generally known to be friendly, smiley and always ready to lend a helping hand. What better way to explore and discover a country other than through its very own people?

5. Rich cultures and traditions

Indonesia holds a complex mix of cultures, strongly influenced by a myriad of religions. The coaction of old traditions from early migrants has helped shape the culture of present-day Indonesia. Major religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, each with its own traditions. The famous Balinese dance tells stories of ancient Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms while the Islamic culture is represented through art forms and architecture. Whichever part of Indonesia you go, you’re bound to learn something new!

6. Intricate Batik prints

The traditional fabric of Indonesia,Batik, is created by ‘printing’ patterns on cloth with wax and dye. The Indonesian Batik patterns are considered symbolic, with various patterns holding different meanings – theSido Muktipattern is worn by a pair of bride and groom to symbolise prosperity and happiness, while theKawungpattern is worn by the royalties to symbolise justice and power (commoners are forbidden from wearing this particular Batik pattern). If you’re planning to get yourself a piece of Batik cloth as a souvenir before leaving the country, be sure to know what the patterns represent !

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