
Testimonial terbaik dari para pelanggan Kibarer Property

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Laying on the fresh grass of my rooftop of my cliff front villa and enjoying the beautiful views always remind me of how efficient and great Kibarer Team is. Thank you for helping me buying this perfect heaven.

Robert J.
Pak Lim

We are close to the ocean, we have the pool, we have a rooftop terrace, we have a gazebo and we have the perfect villa, Thank you Team Kibarer.

Leila L.

Now there are two types of villas that are very easy to find in Bali, one that has the true Balinese touch second that has the perfect modern touch but there is a third kind which has the perfect blend of traditional with modern and that if you ask me is the hardest to find. It was hard until we came across Alban after trying different agents who failed to understand what we wanted and Dani showed us the right properties in the first week and by the second we were already in a process of finalizing the deal. Kudos!

Brad T.

Never thought finding the perfect property can be that easy another country, to be honest it isn’t but Dia and his team changed our views by closing the deal in less than a month. Great Company!

Ali H.

We were looking for something that meets what we had in our imagination for a vacation/retirement home abroad. Something that has great views, spacious land yet close to all the action but in a peaceful area. Kibarer team’s professionalism impressed us to the level that it was like developing a picture from a camera reel exactly what we pictured. Hats off!

David T.

Dia is very straight. When other realtors want to play side games and cut corners, Dia’s ethics are always present until we close the transaction. Some papers works were missing and it was difficult to get it since the owner passed away in the meantime. Dia and the notary managed to get it all clear. I am very happy buying this beautiful house in Tabanan. Kibarer Property is highly recommended. 

Hendra T.

Good Company

Penelope P.

Thanks to Salih who managed to bring reliable customers. My villas were very well located but the market was a bit slow.

They sold my villas in 4 months, I think they are efficient.

Sophie L.

Je viens de faire l'acquisition de la maison de mes reves a Ubud. Je voudrais remercier particulièrement Laetitia qui m'a aide a trouver cette merveille. Ils sont tres professionnels, vous pouvez foncer. Bonne chance a cette nouvelle agence.

Patrick M.

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