
Testimonial terbaik dari para pelanggan Kibarer Property

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Hi Dewi. Hope you are well and all is good in Bali. As you know we recently purchased Villa Asri in Seminyak from Kibarer Property Group, i just wanted to take this opportunity now that every thing has settled and we are the new owners to thank you for the expertise you demonstrated through out the whole process. We visited 4 properties with you some time ago before deciding that Villa Asri was the right fit for us. During this time you always returned calls or e-mails efficiently and with honesty, and guided us along the journey of buying Real Estate in Bali with total confidence in what you were doing . We are very happy with our new villa and look forward to spending some time in it in the very near future. As you know we are regular visitors to Bali but now we have our own piece of paradise we will be there much more often. Once again i would like to thank you for your honesty and integrity and i would certainly recommend you and Kibarer Property to prospective buyers . Look forward to seeing you in September . Best Regards Ian
Ian Q.

We are glad that we found Kibarer Property very early in our property hunt, it’s like Island of Gods wanted us to be here soon so they sent Alban & his team. Amazing team, perfect communication, very friendly and detailed website. Highly recommended.

Peter C.

We have been looking for a perfect property for a very long time in Bali & I must say it really pushed our buttons because buying a house isn’t your everyday thing specially when you have perfectionists in the family. We wanted a big house, budget wasn’t really an issue but you know it does matter. Tried so many agents but it was like they were not clicking. We were then introduced to Kibarer Property and Voila these guys know what they are doing. Took them less than a month to find us THE Property and here we are sipping margaritas in our heavenly garden. Thumbs up to KProperty.

Suzanne P.
Dear Dewi, Thank you very much for your help with everything so far, for your hard work and patience.  It's been a much easier process thanks to you!
I shall be most pleased to recommend you in the future.Cheers, Lee-Anne & Dicon
Dicon & Lee-Anne
Afternoon Dewi Would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you done in helping me to purchase my property in Siminyak, you worked very hard and took so much time so that we  could find the perfect property. I will always recommend you to my friends you are very dedicated to your profession and your after care has been exceptional. Many thanks. Marilyn
Marilyn S
We learnt from Kibarer Property from their online posting of villas that were for sale in Bali, since we resided outside Indonesia. Based on their online selection, we contacted Kibarer and got regular updates through email; always fitting quality of the properties to the price range we were looking for. Then we went to Bali to take a look at specific properties in more detail together with Devi, an agent from Kibarer. All villas were of excellent quality and most of them exceeded our expectations. On the first day, we found a home to our liking and Devi has acted as an highly appreciated agent in closing the sale and providing all the support that was required for the final transfer. We highly recommend Kibarer; they are the first property agent we will approach (again) for our business in Bali if that need would arise in the future.
Nicolai & Diana. S
My wife and I decided to invest in a Villa in Bali, this is for investment and the rental return. We met up with a number of Estate Agents but we found Kibarer to be the most professional and proactive, they listened to our requirement and listed a number of properties that met our needs and budget, they were also Able to provide legal services and advise on contacts for rental agencies. We would not hesitate to recommend Kibarer as a suitable partner in Bali
George & Yuki . L
Thanks to Dani who introduced us this villa. We are very happy with the purchase and looking forward to live there! Cheers
Milo P.

Merci à Kibarer Property et à Alban de nous avoir presente toutes cesopportunités d'investissement. Nous sommes très heureux de notre choix grace aux revenus garantis. Nous espérons pouvoir acheter une autre maison dans les prochainesannées pour arrondir notre retraite. Merci encore

Christian B.
So glad that we ran into Alban & his team through a mutual contact. They found us exactly what we were looking for, speedy process, open to suggestions and my o my wonderful communication. Trust me before them we nearly gave up looking for our perfect dreamy beachfront house. 11/10 for Kibarer Property team.
Mr Paul and Christine L.

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