I came to Bali the very first time in 2013 and after my first visit I decided to buy a villa in Bali. By the mid of 2013 I became a proud owner of a beautiful beachfront villa. Now many people who know me or get to know me question this decision of mine. I mostly smile and nod and don't answer their question in details. Now that I look at the results of my decision, I do not for a second regret the hasty decision as others call it for a second. Now let me tell you why I did what I did back then.
I have worked for 20 straight years in my life and never took a vacation. My work has majorly involved exploring the best investment opportunity in every part of life. When I visited Bali back in 2013, it wasn't a vacation in fact it was a work trip. I won't lie that I fell in love with Bali as soon the plane started flying over it and I was head over heels by the time it landed. It is still not the reason for me making that hasty decision. On my business trip, I realized that Bali is the fastest developing Island in the Asian region and every year the graph of tourist just increase. There is no off season in Bali but yet there are peak seasons. I noticed the on going major project developments, constant constructions and renovations of villas and a flood of tourists just continue to flow on the streets.
Since my observation got me interested, I decided to inquire about the reliable realtor in town who can give me a decent idea about what the prices are and what I could get out of it. I was referred to Ray White, XP Property and Kibarer Property who turned out to be the game changer meeting. The staff was professional, fluent in english and very informative as they had a legal department which covered all my queries. So it didn't take me long to finalize my decision as I scheduled villa viewings on my off days, finalized the one that met my requirement and started the process. Hence closed the deal on my second visit and became the proud owner.
I do not regret my decision for a second because every day Indonesian government is making it easier for the tourists to visit by enhancing their visa free policy. I am enjoying a good ROI and it is increasing every year. Just to give you the idea, the average occupancy of my villa which I have put on rent is 80%. I have a great team managing the rental and maintenance organized by Kibarer Property for only 5% of the villa income. Tell me what do I have to regret? I have a vacation home which I can visit any time of the year, I have a stable good monthly income without having to do much plus the property value is increasing every year. So yes that's why I did what I did, tell me when are you going to do that for yourself?
Nishant Nair