Today our tour of the world’s best start-up hubs takes us to Asia for the first time, as we pay a visit to the island province of Bali..

Population: 4.2 million
Pros: Picturesque location, friendly people, good prices and a wide range of start-ups already in place.
Cons: Indonesia’s over-regulation can be quite prohibitive, prepare to get used to filling in permit forms.
Cost: Staff, rent and living costs are all very cheap. However many places ask for office rent up front, which can be a challenge.
What to expect: ​A stunningly beautiful location with a rapidly increasing start-up scene.Peter Wall is the co-founder of Hubud, a co-working space in Bali. The Indonesian island might be one of the only thriving business locations on earth to rival the beauty of Richard Branson’s Necker Island, but does the Balinese start-up culture rival those of other global powerhouses? We sat down with Peter to get an insider’s perspective.

What are the best aspects of doing business in Bali?

This is an easy one. The best aspects of doing business in Bali are the incredible environment and people here. It’s incredibly beautiful. For example, our office at Hubud backs onto a rice paddy, which makes it unlike any place I’ve ever worked. The people are pretty amazing too - starting with the local Balinese community, who are friendly, kind, and culturally sophisticated. The people at Hubud we interact with every day - some who come here for a week, and some who are here for months or even years - are running some incredible businesses, many as location independent entrepreneurs. So there’s a never-ending stream of inspiration for everyone to tap into.

What are the downsides of doing business in Bali?

Downside, what downside? Honestly, it’s a pretty great place to do business, as new ideas and projects can be launched much more easily than in other places, where costs are high and people feel more encumbered. One downside is that Indonesia has quite a bit of regulation, which means usually several different types of permits are needed for local businesses.