the hidden paradise of lombok the locals never tell you

Category : Adventure | Posted On May 18, 2017

Lombok is home to amazing raw and unspoiled nature, active volcanoes, tobacco plantations, endless powdery white beaches and a rich Sasak culture belonging to people who live in the mountainous regions.

Many travellers have visited the neighboring island of Bali, but few have wandered off the beaten track to discover Lombok’s beaches that even Robinson Crusoe himself wouldn’t mind getting stuck on.
For those who are happy to make that extra effort, to drive that tiny bit further and scale hills and mountains to find desolate beaches, where it is only you and nature, this guide is for you!

Venture out and don’t wait too long – they might not be the ‘best-kept secrets’ of Lombok for much longer.

1. Natural beauty closed-in between dramatic limestone cliffs: Pantai Tunak

Surrounded by endless green hills and dramatic limestone cliffs lies a gorgeous bay with golden sand and crystal waters.

2. Planet Superman: Pantai Telawas

Surrounded by stunning limestone mountains sits the narrow rocky beach of Telawas, where impressive waves hit and shape the rocks into intriguing forms over time.

3. Egypt Pyramids in the sea – Semeti Beach

You will feel like you are on another planet – Planet Krypton.

The many stones here resemble the crystal box in Planet Krypton where Superman is born, hence it is also called Krypton Beach. Semeti Beach has rocks that are shaped like pyramids and stand firmly in the middle of the ocean.

4. Grand Canyon of the East – Pantai Tebing

There are parts of the Earth which do not seem to really belong; Pantai Tebing is one of them.

It is an extraordinary borough unmatched to its surrounding. A fascinating beauty. This reminds us of the Grand Canyon and is definitely on the visit list!

5. Batu Payung in Tanjung Aan

This solitary rock stands out like a sore thumb.

It appears like an unearthly thingummy right in the middle of the beach.

Batu Payung or the umbrella stone, it is impossible to ignore its existence but that is what makes it beguiling. The façade of this stone changes at different angles at varied times of the day, and it may appear like a human face.


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