Wayan P Windia is well known expert on customary Law at Udayana's University Bali. He recently gave statement about how balinese law & hindu religion sees same sex marriage. He said as quoted by Antara News “In Balinese culture, a marriage is between a man and woman, which is why there are the traditional terms nganten [bride] and gerorod [groom]”, He further explained that Balinese customs define a marriage as a bond & commitment between a man & a woman witnessed by their loved ones in a ceremony held according to hindu beliefs. The biological perspective of balinese law require to fulfill sexual needs and produce an offspring. The background of this explanation is a recent marriage between two men in Bali which has stirred quite a chaos in the community and the Island. Every religion is in protest against this step. As Taufik As`adi who is the chairman of Bali branch of Indonesian Ulema Council said that same sex marriage is against Islamic teachings where the marriage can only happen between the opposite genders. Priest Wira Dhammo from Bali's Indonesian Buddhist Community (Walubi) also said that Buddhist religion only recognizes the marriage between a man & a woman. "If there are same-sex couples who claim they are married, then it is not valid," he said. Also the same law is applied & accepted by the government 1974 marriage law that a marriage shall only be recognized if it's between a man & a woman.