Wayan Coster, Governor of Bali recently said that the central government in Indonesia is overviewing the near future possibility of for opening the borders to foreign travelers as the latest effort to revive the tourism dependent economy of Bali. However at the same he said that it is not set in stone either.

“It is being discussed with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Transportation,” Koster said, explaining that officials are still in the early stages of considering the possibility. 

Bali's border opening in December rumors have been rounding up on social media, whatsapp messages, hence prompting a response from the officials.

“This is not about whether we are willing or not. If we are willing and permitted to open, we would have done it from way before because this is crucial for our economy. But the central government is still evaluating our readiness, so that we don’t open up and it results in [COVID-19] cases escalating. If that’s the case we wouldn’t be benefiting, but incurring losses,” Indra said.

Though the current report suggest a mere possibility right now as Koster did say in August that archipelagic nation will keep its border closed until at least the end of 2020.