13 ​things to look out for when viewing a property in bali

Category : Adventure | Posted On Jul 23, 2024

When considering purchasing a property, dedicating just 20 minutes might not be enough. Many home buyers have regretted rushing this process. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a checklist of essential things to look out for when viewing a property in Bali.

1. Check for Signs of Damp

Dampness is a significant issue to watch for. Indicators include a moldy smell, flaky plaster, and watermarked walls or ceilings. Pay close attention to areas near the ceiling and skirting boards. Fresh paint might be hiding damp problems.

2. Assess Structural Integrity

Look for large cracks, especially around extensions, end-of-terrace walls, and bay windows. While hairline cracks are normal, significant ones may indicate structural issues. Consult a surveyor to get a professional assessment.

3. Evaluate Storage Space

Consider the practicality of living in the property. Check for adequate storage space for items like vacuum cleaners, linens, and personal belongings. In newer properties, storage can often be limited.

4. Determine the Orientation of the House

The direction a house faces affects its natural light and warmth. In summer, a south-facing house is brighter and warmer. Use a compass or a smartphone app to determine the orientation during your viewing.

5. Ensure Room Sizes Meet Your Needs

Verify that the rooms are large enough for your furniture. Developers sometimes use smaller furniture to make rooms appear larger. Measure the spaces and ensure they meet your requirements.

6. Be Aware of Staging Tricks

Sellers often use tricks like strategically placed mirrors, lighting, and fresh paint to make a home more appealing. Stay objective and ask what items will remain after the sale.

7. Inspect Window Frames and Double Glazing

Examine the condition of the external window frames. Rotten wood or condensation between double-glazed panes indicates the need for replacements. Check for relevant installation certificates.

8. Check the Age and Condition of the Roof

Roof replacement can be costly, so check the roof's age and condition. Flat roofs require special attention to the sealing material.

9. Verify Electrical Outlets and Wiring

Inspect the condition and number of power points. Check the fuse board for an indication of the wiring's condition. Consider the cost of potential rewiring.

10. Evaluate Plumbing

Test the water pressure, check for insulated pipes, and ensure there are no lead pipes. Assess the condition of the radiators and the age of the boiler.

11. Assess Soundproofing

Turn off any background noise like radios or TVs to gauge the soundproofing. Visit the property at different times of the day to understand noise levels.

12. Examine the Attic

Check the attic for accessibility, storage space, potential for conversion, and insulation quality. Proper insulation can significantly impact your energy bills and comfort.

13. Investigate the Neighborhood

Consider the property's surroundings. Proximity to noisy establishments, ease of access to shops, public transport, and the overall feel of the neighborhood are crucial factors. Use Google Street View to explore the area further.

Trust Kibarer Property for Your Real Estate Needs

Purchasing a property in Bali is a significant decision, and it’s essential to approach it with careful consideration. To ensure you find the perfect home, partner with a trusted real estate agent like Kibarer Property. With extensive listings and in-house legal services, we offer a comprehensive and reliable solution for your real estate needs in Bali. Trust our expertise and experience to guide you through the process. 

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