photographer shares his memories of bali from 1977 and they are simply mind blowing

Category : Adventure | Posted On Apr 30, 2017

We all are familiar to Bali being the top destination of the world in 2017. The Island of Gods which offer everything one can need. From serene beautiful beaches, surfing, mountains, volcanoes, rivers to crazy night life, it offers you everything. However did you ever wonder where it all started? 

Famous photographer Clifford White shares his memories of his early visits to Bali almost 40 years ago. He simply fell in love with Bali in its complete natural habitat untouched by tourism as it didn't even exist in tourist circles. He fell in love so much that he went back after two years just to photograph the untouched beauty. In 1977 most of the locals never even saw somebody from the western cultures and they were totally surprised as well. Just a few years after that the tourism trade developed its roots hence bringing on board the restaurants bars and shops.

Here is a glimpse of his photography he shared on his facebook

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