Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin told media in a press release May 10 that tourists need not worry about Covid-19 in Bali.

Speaking at the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) event, Amin said because of the success of the vaccination program, transmission across the island was low. He cites the fact that the vaccination rate stands at 68% and nearly 70% of those fully vaccinated are now also receiving their boosters.

Vice President Amin expressed his optimism for the post-pandemic Indonesian economy. He said he recognized and praised small businesses for coping with the stresses of the pandemic for so long. He praised the company for not "breaking the spirit". He believes the Indonesian economy, especially Bali, will soon grow back.

Although the Vice President gives advice to tourists, it seems that the attitude of the local government in Bali is different. Local authorities have said in recent weeks that now is not the time to slack off. While there may be a reduced need to "worry" about Covid-19, Bali is not out of trouble yet. Last week, four districts in Bali reported no new cases of Covid-19 and no deaths.

Along with this news, came a warning from the Chair of the Bali Covid-19 Acceleration Task Force, I Made Rentin, that although the number of cases decreased and the use of vaccines increased, the flow of foreign tourists and the movement of people through Bali had increased. will definitely cause a small spike in this case.

He reminded the public to seriously wear masks and wash their hands. This sentiment was echoed by the central government's Covid-19 task force which announced on Monday that Bali and Java would remain at restriction level 2. This level of restrictions calls for reduced capacity in cafes, bars, restaurants, event spaces and places of worship. Obligation to wear masks in public spaces and wash hands when entering public spaces.

This week, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19 in Badung reaffirmed new efforts to ensure all district residents receive their vaccines, with a particular focus on encouraging older people to be injected. . While vaccinations in Badung are high among the younger generation, the Badung Covid-19 task force is concerned about doubts about vaccines among the elderly.

While some might characterize Vice President Amin as easygoing, his intentions are in line with the message from the Bali Tourism Board and the island-wide hospitality industry. Bali is open and the authorities are doing all they can to balance the safety of Covid while allowing life to go on and the economy to start to recover. It seems that the authorities are relying on the fact that Covid-19 is a virus that the world has studied and adapted to.

Ahead of the G20 summit to be held in Bali in November 2022, and as President Joko Widodo embarks on a three-day tour of the United States, the Indonesian government is eager to bounce back. As plans to build a new capital city in East Kalimantan, palm oil export bans continue and the climate crisis escalates, Indonesia is working hard to prove itself on the world stage with potential and existing business partners around the world. Positive press, declining covid rates and increasing number of international travelers are more important indicators for the central government than ever before.