After the pandemic the tourism industry and other related industries are now opting to adjust as per the new normal standards. Same has been seen at Uluwatu Temple Outer Area Tourism which is famous for its Kecak dance performance, they have launched an online digital payment service.
According to Wawan Gunawan, Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry's Regional II destination development director the new Quick Response code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) based payment system allows a swift, fast, cheaper and easier with more secure payement option at the same time minimizing the physical contact.
"Hopefully, it will help revive tourism and the creative economy in Uluwatu," added Wawan in a statement on Sunday.
Kecak dance at the Uluwatu temple outer area is one of the top thing on Bali's must watch art performances. It normally used to attract six to eight thousand visitors per day before the covid-19 outbreak. Taking place at the temple’s amphitheater right on the edge of a cliff, it is usually held late in the afternoon with a dramatic sunset over the Indian Ocean as a backdrop.
The destination has opened recently however with a low number of visitors. As per the new normal maximum precautions are being taken with proper health protocols being implemented. It now requires dancers to wear masks, decreased number of dance performers with making the changes in the choreography to support physical distancing.
Visitors are also required to wear face masks, washing or sanitizing their hands with soap or sanitizers while maintaining a safe distance according to the signage on their seat.
"The pattern of tourists in this Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru [Adopting New Behaviors] period has changed. They tend to look for services that implement health protocols such as social distancing and avoid direct physical contact. Hopefully, QRIS will help these tourists feel safe and comfortable during their visit," said Bali Governor I Wayan Koster.