When you don’t have any more land to turn into a parking lot, build up. That at least seems to be the strategy for Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport.
With the ever-increasing car traffic at the airport meaning an ever-packed lot, the airport reportedly has plans to build up a multi-level parking garage using funds from the 2017 budget.
Airport GM Yanus Suprayogi says the current parking situation at the airport can no longer accommodate all the cars coming to the airport.
“What we really hope to invest in is the parking area. The area is narrow and we cannot develop it further out, but we can stack the parking, multi-story parking. We have already planned to budget for it in 2017,” Suprayogi said on Monday, as quoted by Kompas.
Other than putting money towards increasing its parking capacity, Ngurah Rai Airport also plans to use funds to improve its internet facilities and taxi services, according to Kompas. That’s in addition to making repairs to the runway, which has scheduled maintenance from 2 am to 7 am so as not to mess with flights. After several runway chips in the past year which you can be sure disrupted flights, this maintenance is much needed.