Mcdonalds branch in Kuta Beach, Badgun Regency closed down its operation last Tuesday after operating for 20 years. A flyer posted by the management there which went viral said "Thank you for carving stories with McDonald’s Kuta Beach for 20 years,” it says, adding that the store will close at 9 p.m. local time.

Ida Bagus Oka Dirga, the head of Badgun Industry and Manpower Agency confirmed that no employees are getting laid off. “The employees will be reassigned to McDonald’s stores throughout Bali,” Ida said on Monday

I Gusti Ketut Suryanegara, the head of SATPOL said they will deploy a team to guard the restaurant to anticipate and manage people visiting there for the last tribute as similar thing happened at Sarinah Mcdonalds Jakarta recently.

“We will just patrol, with one team monitoring there,” Gusti said, adding that the management would not hold any special events. Kuta resident Febri said he was saddened by the plan because the store had been his go-to place for years.

“There are lots of [memories]. It has been my hangout place since elementary school because it’s near my house, and it has a nice beach view,” he said.