Bali police is in a process of making huge changes in the traffic flows of the major tourist areas of Kuta and Legian. These changes will be effective from 1st March 2017.
The changes will start implementing by the traffic police in February to ensure the complete compliance by March 1, 2017.
Following is the summary of the planned changes in Legian-Kuta current Traffic Flow:-
Starting from the Intersection of Jalan Sriwijaya, Jalan Patih Jelantik will be converted to a one way road in an easterly direction.
Jalan Sriwijaya will remain a one way road until the intersection of Si Doi in a westerly direction.
From Bemo corner to Melasti Intersection Jalan Raya Legian will be one way until street from south to north.
Jalan Raya Kuta traffic light intersection at Jalan Patih Jelantik will become a one way street from north to south till Tamacun Intersection.
Jalan Majapahit starting from Temacun Intersection till Jalan Patih Jelantik Intersection will be converted into a one way street while traveling from south to north.
Traffic for Jalan Legian will have to travel through Bemo corner by turning right onto one way Jalan Legian by traveling north rather than entering through Jalan Patih.
In a similar fashion you will be required to turn at the Melasti intersection following Jalan Sriwijaya towards Jalan Patih Jelantik.
Traffic crossing Pura Puseh towards Bemo Corner will stay one way in a reverse direction by going east to west.
Jalan Sigosari starting from the insection at Art Market (Pasar Seni) will remain a one-way street in a new direction traveling from west to east towards the intersection of Jalan Raya Kuta – Kalianget.
Jalan Devi Santika (Jalan Kartika Plaza) will be converted into one way traveling from south to north. Traffic from Jalan Kartika going towards the airport will have to cross Jalan Singosari – the Kalinaget intersection – the Pura Puseh intersection – the Temacun intersection to eventually merge with Jalan Raya Tuban heading towards the airport.
Starting from March 1, 2017, 50 police officers will be on standby helping to direct traffic flowing in the new traffic directions and issuing tickets to those disregarding the new traffic rules.