Governor Wayan Koster from Bali said a presidential regulation approved earlier this month would further grow Bali's traditional spirits arak and mark a new beginning to encourage the drinks in the province.

"Arak, Tuak and Brem from Balí become legal business for the production and development of a Presidential Regulation [Perpres] No 10 Year 2021," Koster said yesterday in Denpasar at a media briefing.

Tuak is a coconut palm tree sweet drink, while bram is a rice wine beverage.

Last year, Koster released a gubernatorial rule to conserve and encourage drinks on beverages' processing and sale. The regulations will secure a license and pass the food safety checks to suppliers of conventional Balinese fermented and distilled beverages from the Indonesian BPOM and ensure that they follow consistency and hygiene requirements. This regulatory provision will also be applied for.

The Legislation was seen as an aid to mainstream liquor manufacturers and retailers, who had been responsible for one or both of these practices in the past.

Koster stressed this week how President Joko Widodo's signature by Perpres on 2 Feb confirms the rule he has released and brings new opportunities to invest in the conventional liquor.

The Governor has also set out potential strategies to address these Balinese fermented and distilled spirits' economic and industrial production, which work closely with traditional manufacturers.