Motorists in Bali have been confused about the mysterious yellow junction markings that have appeared since last month of April. These Yellow lines criss cross junctions have been placed at  Kamboja-Hayam Wuruk, Nusa Indah-WR Supratman, Nusa Indah-Kecubung and Simpang Gatsu so far. It has kept motorists and drivers of Bali in a confusion for over a month about the purpose of why they are being marked as there was no clear indication or purpose defined for them.

However recently the Chief of Traffic Control of Denpasar Transportation Office, Nyoman Sustiawan has finally confirmed that these markings have been placed to improve and reduce the ever going traffic issue of Bali. The idea is to prevent and reduce the occurrence of the gridlock. Chief further commented that the purpose of this Yellow Box Junction is still and will be continuously socialized to the public for better awareness.

So how does it works? The yellow boxes and the diagonal line marks indicated a no go area of the intersection for a stop. In simple words motorists are prohibited to enter the yellow box area while driving unless the way is clear and they can pass it in one go without making a stop or pausing in the middle. This policy works independently without having the link to the traffic signal, those rules are still there.

While police are postponing the implementation by creating proper awareness first, it said that once implemented the violation of stopping and standing at the yellow box junction will cost the penalty of motorist up to Rp. 500,000 or two months in jail.

Nationally, the Yellow Box Junction system is being introduced in major cities across Indonesia, including Denpasar, Jakarta and Surabaya.