As the number of reported deaths and cases of corona virus from the origin of Wuhan increase globally, Indonesia has still reported zero confirmed cases by Tuesday. However there is an increase of suspected cases and they continue to be recorded across the archipelago.

Around 8 patients were reported throughout the country  two in Bandung, West Java, one in Sorong, West Papua, one in Sidoarjo, East Java and four in Central Java — were still under observation after being admitted to hospitals for suspected coronavirus infection as of Tuesday.

Indonesian authorities have also confirmed that at least 12 patients mostly from China suspected of Corona virus were declared clear. 

WDZ was one of the patients who was admitted to Raden Mattaher Hospital in Jambi on Saturday and received proper treatment in an isolation room. She initially showed signs related to corona virus including difficulty in breathing and a fever. She was in Wuhan between December 20th and 27th.

Medianto, one of two lung specialists on the case, stated that the patient admitted because of suspicion was only suffering from an respiratory ailment. He further added that the phlegm sample would be shared with the Health Ministry's laboratory.

Service Deputy Director of Raden Mattaher Hospital Dewi Lestari said that hospital has prepared a proper isolation room that can easily facilitate three patients suspected of Corona virus for observation. "We are only treating their clinical conditions," she said.

"Coronavirus is not our enemy. Our current enemy is information that makes the public anxious," Kuwat said in Jambi city on Tuesday.