Wedding Photo shoot in Bali most popular using by tourism as coming to Bali.There are 15 amazing and
beautiful places for photo shoot wedding.Memories your wedding celebration in Bali with the amazing and beautiful place here we share top 15 impossibly beautiful places for wedding photo shoot in Bali.Check here below the detail of 15 amazing places for your
wedding photo shoot.
1.Where romance truly awaits : AYANA Resort and Spa,Bali

Wandering around AYANA, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a spot that doesn’t ooze
romance.Simply going down any pathway in AYANA, is a picturesque experience worth a photo for
your pre-wedding album. And apart from wandering AYANA with your photographer, there are
many other places within AYANA you need to check out for your pre-wedding photos
2. A whimsical wandering : Bukit Teletubbies

Located on Nusa Penida (an island off the southeastern coast of Bali ) .Bukit Teletubbies is an undulating pasture covered in verdant green grass,ferns, and lavender.Some people think it reminds them of New Zealand,but the popular name for this wonderland is Bukit Teletubbies because it looks just like the hill the Teletubbies lived on.Just sunlight, trees, hills, you and
your partner,a good photographer – all the good stuff.
3.Have a zany camel adventure : Grand Nikko Bali Resort

Grand Nikko Bali Resort is located on a secluded beach, which means your epic wedding finery will have a setting of bright blue skies, white sand and no people.The best part about getting your pre-wedding photos done at the Grand Nikko has to be the camels. To shoot with a pair of camels,book in advance and be sure to arrive on time for your half hour slot.Ride on them and pretend to be a Bedouin or with their long necks towering over you.In any case,camels and their humps and long eyelashes will definitely add zany charm to your photos.
4.Step into a dream at the Tulamben Shipwreck

Isn’t this simply surreal? The Tulamben Shipwreck is one of the most gorgeous places to take your wedding photoshoot, underwater. It’s every girl’s dream.Recreating it might be a challenge (you’ll probably need to practise holding your breath for
a really, really long time), but trust us, it’s completely worth it.As long as
you aren’t afraid to take the plunge, dreams can really come true.
5.Live the fairytale at the Royal Water Palace

If you love fairytales and ruined castles,you'll love the Water Palace of Taman Ujung, a royal residence located in the Karangasam area
of Bali.This romantic spot, with its maze of pools and fountains, was almost
entirely destroyed when Mount Agung erupted in 1963.Since then, this ruin has
attracted lovers seeking to memorialise themselves amidst its crumbling glory,
timelessly beautiful like all love should be.