Thinking of a good reason why to be opening a bank account in Bali? How about feeling annoyed by having to use your overseas bank account for daily transactions while you moved here for a longer term. However, like in most countries it is difficult for a foreigner to open a bank account without at least processing the residence permit.

Below article focuses on opportunities how to open a foreign individual bank account in Bali without having a residence permit.

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Opening bank account for foreign individuals

As a newcomer in Bali, the first few weeks are all about getting cozy with your surrounding infrastructure –  locating your nearest grocery store, ways of transportation and finding a trustworthy ATM. The next step for a foreigner settling in in Bali is to start looking for a reliable bank.

Now is the time to open a foreign currency bank account with a credible bank to take good care of your finances while living the dream in Bali. The process however is not as simple as it seems. Most of the banks require foreign applicant having a temporary stay permit (KITAS) for opening bank accounts.