Sixty seven years ago, there was a great incident in the
history of Indonesia that is a big battle of Surabaya. This incident continues
to be remembered by Indonesian people with establish the date November 10th
as a Heroes Day and Surabaya recognized as The City of Heroes.
Battle of Surabaya
One of the most important battles of the Indonesian revolution. The incident was a big war between Indonesian army and Dutch troops happened in Surabaya on November 10th 1945. This battle was first war between Indonesian troops and foreign troops after Proclamation of Indonesian Independence and a formidable war in history of Indonesian Revolution which being nationality symbol of resistance to colonialism.
Chronology about battle of Surabaya happened due to the arrival of allies troops and they attacked Indonesia. Not only that, Dutch troops also behind allies because they still ambitious to rule Indonesia again. From this incident also known that British Brigadier Mallaby have been killed. Then, after British Brigadier Mallaby killed, his successor General Major Robert Mansergh gave ultimatum to the republicans inside the city to surrender until November 10th at 6 o’clock but they refused.
In the morning of November 10th 1945, British soldiers attacked Surabaya massively. They began bombing from air to Surabaya government buildings then they mobilize approximate 30.000 infantery, a number of planes, tanks, and warships.
Then British army continued to bombard Surabaya city with cannon from seashore and land. After that, the resistance of Indonesian troops and military flared up throughout the city with active assistance from civil residents. The involvement of civil residents to this battle resulted in thousands of civilians falling victim in that battle, both dead and wounded.
Bung Tomo was the Indonesian Revolutionary Leader was the most respected. He was a courageous Surabaya youth also. He represents the spirit of the revolutionary struggle of Indonesian major at that time.