Tourists and locals in Bali were in a state of panic for past 2 weeks when a New Zealander from Perth went missing on 6th of November. A lot of speculation involving serious foul play was feared when Josh Goudswaad decided to take a last minute trip to Bali and later on went missing and stayed out of contact for almost 11 days. 

Thankfully the end to this panic was a good one as Josh Goudwaad was found enjoying playing a Bongo on a beach of Thailand yesterday as The Daily Mail reports. The social media went viral with Josh missing all of a sudden and different reports came through which added fuel to the fire such as his credit card being used in Great Britain. The credit card usage confirmation had his family fearing for the worst.

Local police and Immigration were very active in making sure that no carelessness is shown in investigating and rescuing Josh back to Perth safely however they failed to find him in Bali. Immigration though confirmed that Josh never left Bali. Thanks to social media viral posts an American tourist who saw those post recognized Josh sitting by the water and playing Bongo. It is however still unknown to us when Josh is going back to Australia.

The family and friends are grateful to everyone who helped them in spreading the word on the social media.