Good news for the travelers visiting Bali as they can now save not only the money but the time as well after Indonesian Government has allowed the use of the GeNose COVID-19 detector to fulfill test requirements for travelers starting in April.

Previously Indonesian Covid-19 Task force only allowed a negative pcr test or antigen rapid test from travelers obtained within two days of entering the Island. Now travelers have the option of taking a GeNose Covid-19 test before their departure from either airport, harbor or terminals, a negative result from which is needed to continue their journey. 

GeNose test has been developed by by Yogyakarta’s Gadjah Mada University (UGM), it was approved for distribution late last year by the Health Ministry. This test is able to detect corona virus infection through human breath with the help of artificial intelligence.

A single GeNose test currently costs IDR30K (US$2.08), compared to around IDR250K (US$17.32) for an antigen rapid test or IDR900K (US$62.35) for a PCR test.

However travelers are still required to fill the Health Alert Card (eHAC) and children below five years are exempted. However, should anyone with a negative result from any of the tests exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, the task force said they will not be permitted to carry on with their journey, and will be required to take a PCR test and self-isolate while waiting for the results.