The central government has decided to reduce the quarantine time for fully vaccinated international travelers to 5 days.
In a virtual press conference, the coordinator of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, confirmed that the central government had decided to reduce the quarantine time for incoming international arrivals. This applies to international visitors and Indonesian citizens who wish to enter the country.
However, this revised policy only applies to travelers who have received a second dose of vaccination against Covid-19.
“The current entry restrictions have succeeded in limiting the entry of Omicron into Indonesia. Therefore, the government has decided to reduce the quarantine time only for Indonesian citizens and foreign visitors who have been fully vaccinated," said Luhut, Monday (31/1).
Luhut also explained that travelers who had just completed the first Covid-19 vaccination still had to undergo a 7-day quarantine at the designated facilities.
"According to our research, the incubation period for Omicron is 3 days on average, so those who have just received the first dose should be quarantined for 7 days," Luhut added.
This policy was initiated to reallocate government resources. The budget that has been allocated for quarantine facilities can be allocated to isolation facilities to anticipate an increase in asymptomatic Covid-19 patients.