Indonesian netizens did it again. After making "Om telolet om" a worldwide trend, they came up with a new meme, "Fitsa Hats".

"Fitsa Hats" was based on Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama's comment after his trial last night. 

During the press conference Ahok mentioned, as reported by, that the police's investigation report stated that Islam Defenders Front (FPI) Jakarta branch secretary Novel Chaidir Hasan Bamukmin was a former employee of "Fitsa Hats", instead of Pizza Hut.

Ahok assumed that Novel might have been ashamed of having worked for an American franchise, as it was owned by a kafir (non-Muslim). When asked about the misspelling, Novel replied that he did not read the report thoroughly. However, Ahok said that Novel had signed the page.

Nothing can escape Indonesian netizens' sharp and scrutinizing eyes, as in less than 24 hours the "Fitsa Hats" meme has gone viral and topped the local trending topic chart on Twitter.

A @fitsahats account has appeared on Twitter.

One netizen @hilmanbumblebee shared that he no longer cares about anything else, because he wants "Fitsa Hats".

Gubrak.. I don't give a damn about anything else, I JUST WANT #fitsahats RIGHT NOW HAAHAHAHAHA"

An Indonesian living in Aberdeen, Scotland, @yogipriatna tweeted that he's looking for "Fitsa Hats" around his area.

I'm craving to eat some #FitsaHats Anyone knows where is the nearest branch in Aberdeen?

Most probably, the "Fitsa Hats" meme will be a trending topic worldwide, as netizens have started spamming Time's Twitter account, which displays Pizza Hut's advertisement, with the "Fitsa Hats" hashtag. (asw)

Indonesian netizens respond to @TIME's #PizzaHut tweet with #FitsaHats 
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