Officers from Buleleng, the Bali Covid-19 Handling Task Force have started spraying disinfectants in several public places to anticipate the third wave of Covid-19 transmission triggered by the new variant of Omicron.
Buleleng Covid-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force spokesperson Ketut Suwarmawan confirmed that the Buleleng area's routine disinfection program for public places has recently been reactivated. Disinfection has been put in place to help prevent another spike in Covid-19 infections as cases continue to skyrocket in several European and African countries.
“Although the spread of Covid-19 in Buleleng has reduced, we have decided to reactivate this program as a preventive measure in anticipation of the third wave which will plunge our economy into a deeper crisis, especially with the next one. holiday season when a national influx of visitors is expected. Suwarman added.
Suwarmawan also reminded the public to adhere to prevention protocols such as physical distancing, hand washing and wearing masks in public places.
"The Covid-19 pandemic is not yet over, so we will do our best to anticipate an increase in cases," Suwarmawan concluded.