Christmas festivities were rounded up perfectly when people witnessed the perfect dramatic solar eclipse. Lucky for the people in Bali who got the chance to witness the actual "Ring of Fire" eclipse.

According to Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), The solar eclipse was set to begin at 12:11 Pm, peaked at 2pm and concluded around 3:36 PM.

This one was an annular solar eclipse not the total solar eclipse, in this eclipse moon doesn't completely cover the sun but passes through it hence making a glowing ring of sunlight around it therefore called "Ring of Fire".

People were warned to take proper precautions before watching the solar eclipse. Guidelines of wearing proper eye wear, solar glasses and not looking directly into the sun were issued.

People had a lot of time and chances to watch the whole solar eclipse even online which luckily doesn't require any protective gear, Thanks to technology.