Wiku Adisasmito, Spokesperson of Corona Virus Task Force Indonesia has claimed that the number of covid-19 cases in Indonesia are decreasing while the rest of the world is observing an increase.
He further said that WHO reported a 9% increase in global covid-19 cases.
In addition, the number of global deaths due to the coronavirus has also increased by 5% this week.
“The existence of a trend that is quite worrying from some parts of the world is contrary to the trend we face in Indonesia. In the last few months, Indonesia has shown many signs of improvement in relation to the handling of Covid-19, which is proven by the gradual improvement of the developments of Covid-19 in Indonesia” Wiku said in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel on Thursday (15/4).
Wiku said they noted a decrease of 14.2 in corona virus cases in Indonesia compared to the last week. The details showed that previous week the number of cases were 38,170 cases, while this week there were 32,740 cases.
The high cases five regions were Riau, South Sulawesi, West Java, East Java and West Sumatra.

Wiku also shared that the death cases fell by 17.6% last week. However a decrease in number of recoveries was observed by 3.5% compared to last week.
Wiku with the observed also said that public should continue to adhere to 3M health protocols so the spread in the country can be continuously suppressed,
accompanied by the implementation of the vaccination program.
“Let us be excited to show that with the fourth largest population in the world, Indonesia can be resilient against the pandemic, and contribute to reducing the number of positive cases in the world,” he concluded.