Authorities from the Selemadeg Police Department invited clowns to entertain elementary school children at the vaccination site.
Selemadeg AKP Police Chief Ni Komang Sri Subakti confirmed that a clown who was previously arrested by authorities while begging in Tabanan was asked to entertain the children of SD Megati 1 and SDN Tegal Mengkeb 1.
The government has designated the two schools as vaccination sites.
“It was very effective in helping to calm the mood of the children while they were receiving the vaccine. It also comforts those who are afraid of getting vaccinated, "AKP Subakti said on Tuesday 12/21.
After about an hour of performances for the kids, the clown was paid and transported home as he had to continue his shift as a construction worker. He will also continue to work as a clown during the vaccination program from December 21 to 27, 2021.
"We hope that this vaccination program can be completed on time, no later than December 27," AKP Subakti concluded.
Meanwhile, the head of the Tabanan health unit, Dr Nyoman Susila, said that the vaccination program targeting children aged 6 to 11 is currently underway in all sub-districts of the Tabanan region.
"I would also like to remind all unvaccinated adults to receive the Covid-19 vaccine at the nearest clinic," Dr Susila said.