"Tirta" a Bali themed puzzle adventure game is in development by Agate, a famous game developer. Tirta is targeted to show the world that how talented Indonesia's game developers are as it is being developed in collaboration with tate-owned telecommunication giant PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom).

With eye catching graphics, interesting characters and architectures inspired by the Balinese culture, Tirta is set to encourage the players to explore and interact with all elements in the game. Tirta is also expected to use Epic Games computer graphics software Unreal Engine.

“We’re in the pre-alpha phase, meaning that it’s only 20 percent of the developing period,” Igor Tanzil, CMO and COO of Agate, said in a statement.

Cipto Adiguna, Agate’s VP of consumer games, discussed the challenges of producing the game. “Tirta is a new genre that we’re working on. In its development, we’re being very careful in its pipeline formation, design and gameplay mechanism,” said Cipto.

The game is right now in the early stages of development, however if you are interested in the latest progress and updates you can submit your email address on Tirta’s web page.