Data from Indonesia's Center for Statistics, Badan
Pusat Statistik (BPS), show that the country received 50 times as many foreign
tourists in April 2022 as it did in April 2021. The great bulk of these
international visitors arrived in Bali. The center sees this as proof that the
tourism industry has officially begun to recover on a national scale.
While this is good news for Bali's tourism industry,
experts in Indonesia have urged that a cautious approach should be maintained
to support long-term recovery. Prof. Hendre Adjie Kusworo, the director of
Gajah Mada University's Ph.D. program in Tourist Studies, believes that while
Indonesia has made progress, the tourism sector remains vulnerable to
international government decisions.
Prof. Kusworo told The Jakarta Post, "The revival
of tourism depends on governments' responses to Covid-19 around the world, and
most critically, on our continuous efforts to keep the virus under the
He went on to explain that Indonesia's present stance
on Covid-19 is effective, but that the tourism industry in Bali could suffer if
governments elsewhere change local rules or experience an increase in Covid-19
He stated that based on his examination of travel
trends and recently disclosed BPS figures, he believes that international
arrivals would increase slowly but steadily as they return to pre-pandemic
levels. He noted that the incremental approach to removing constraints aids the
sector's constant and positive recovery.
Arrivals are likely to increase during Bali's peak
season in July and August. Peak season in 2022 may not reach pre-pandemic
levels, but it will undoubtedly surpass 2021. As with every high season, there
will be a minor drop in arrivals as overseas travelers return home after their
Despite this decline, predictions indicate that the
sector will continue its steady ascent back to pre-pandemic levels across the
I Dewa Gede Rai, the Head of Bali's Covid-19 Task
Force, has repeated Professor Kusworo's remarks. Rai said this week that caseloads
in Denpasar are at an all-time low and under control. He also advised the
public not to relax Covid-19 health and hygiene practices as the end of the
pandemic approaches.
Bali has been upgraded to PPKM Level One, allowing the
retail sector to function at full capacity. Masks must be worn indoors and on
public transportation, and cafes, restaurants, event venues, and places of
worship may only operate at 75 percent capacity. The mandate will be reviewed
on July 4, 2022. If caseloads continue low, all limits might be lifted as soon
as the first week of July.
Pre-arrival PCR tests for vaccinated tourists have
been discontinued, and the requirement to wear masks in public places outside
has been repealed. The visa on arrival service is currently open to tourists
from 72 countries. These are significant benefits for vacationers looking for a
simple pre-arrival approach.
As the peak season approaches and request for flights,
accommodations, and activities increases, the tourism industry must walk a fine
line between fumbling to recover revenue lost during the pandemic and ensuring
that there is no increase in Covid-19 cases that could result in restrictions
being reinstated.