As they say rainy season is here to last a while and it seems true in Bali's case as well. It may disappoint most of the tourists looking forward to visit Bali yet it may be the reason to excite other as rain is something you simply can not hate for long. The
Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics has predicted that dry tropical season will start with a delay this time for two months as rainy moonsoon is going to stay here instead.
Where the rainy days may have caused some a little disappointment on the flip side Indonesia has officially recorded 6.9 million foreign tourist arrival this year so far. This is the positive outcome of the visa free policy for 169 countries. Immigration
Directorate General spokesman Heru Santoso said 095,264
of the foreigners were from 15 countries that have reciprocal agreements with
Indonesia, while 2,881,945 arrived from 144 countries that have no such pact,
The Jakarta
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