The outbreak of Covid-19 has put a halt to the world and everyone is strongly urged to practice to social distancing and self isolation for at least the next two weeks. We sincerely hope that you all are staying safe in your homes and staying strong.
Keeping the safety of public Director General of Immigration has taken a great step with "Automatic Stay Permit Extension" for foreigners who can not return to their country. It is updated on their official website and their twitter account as well.

The Tweet says "In prevention of COVID-19 outbreak, visiting the immigration office is not recommended due to recent situation. Foreigners' Emergency Stay Permits will be automatically recorded on our system.
Still.. We remind you to keep #SocialDistancing and avoid crowds. "

The above picture explains that this is only valid for the foreigners who entered Indonesia after February 5th 2020. The applications do not need to visit the Immigration Office to apply. There are not going to any fines as The Emergency stay permit is free of charge.
Same information can be seen on the home page of their official website as well.

"Automatic Stay Permit Extension for foreigners who cannot return to their country, no need to apply to the immigration office, free of charge and an Rp0 fine is imposed for those who have exceeded their Stay Permit/overstay (only valid for foreigners arriving in Indonesia after February 5, 2020)"
This is indeed a relief for the foreigners/expats who are in Indonesia right now and indeed a great decision by Director General of Immigration.
Let's all fight Corona Virus by taking necessary precautions and practicing social distancing.