In a recent survey Australian tourists have made it clear that they are considering to boycott Bali. Australian tourists are one of the majority that visit Bali every year. This boycott situation has developed due to a recent bill that has been proposed to Indonesian government of banning alcohol throughout the country.
As a result of that tourists have been in a state of panic as they love Bali but they love booze too and their vacation will not complete without sipping margaritas and beers on the beach. Hotel operators along with tourists have also warned that a booze ban in Bali is going to result in a big disaster for the Island tourism.
Here are some comments from the tourists about their views on booze ban in Bali.
“It would not be Bali without a beer. It wouldn’t be the same,” Mr Baker said. “It is why I come to Bali, to have a beer and enjoy the beach and have a drink.”
“It would be a silly law to do because a lot of tourists come here just to drink and party and the Indonesian government would be silly to bring in a bill like that because the Indonesians depend on tourists for money,”
“We come here to relax, we work hard and we come to relax,”
“I think for Bali it (a ban) would be very sad because I think they would lose so much. I believe the Balinese rely on the tourists to survive,”
However a similar bill was proposed to the government last year as well which didn't go through and even if it gets passed we believe that tourism attractions like Bali will be exempted from it and since Bali is already a majority of Balinese people the law shouldn't be applicable to them.