The Indonesian central government has announced that the quarantine for international visitors receiving booster shots will be reduced to 3 days.


The Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has confirmed that the government plans to reduce the quarantine time for international arrivals who have received a booster for the Covid-19 vaccine.

"We will reduce the quarantine time for international visitors and Indonesian citizens who will receive the booster vaccine next week," Luhut said on Monday (2/14).

All visitors must have a negative Covid-19 test before departure. They must also retake the PCR test on day 3 of quarantine, with negative results to be published.

Luhut also advised travelers to perform PCR test again on the 5th day to update the latest health status from health facilities. However, he said he plans to reduce quarantine time for all international travelers, regardless of their vaccination status.

“If the situation continues to improve and the vaccination program goes well, we may be able to implement the same policy for all international visitors on March 1, regardless of their vaccination status. We might even lift the centralized quarantine policy in April," Luhut concluded.

He explained that the government was trying to balance the country's health and economy while preventing a rise in Covid-19 cases.